Friday, July 22, 2022

New Manga Project - Fatal Fury 2, Pages 1-14!

Greetings, everyone! Here is the premiere of the new project I've been teasing at all week: the Fatal Fury 2 manga, inspired by the classic Neo Geo fighting game that I played MANY times in the arcades growing up.

This manga takes place shortly after the first Fatal Fury tourney, and features all of your fav fighters: Terry, Andy, Joe, Kim, and even Duck King as comic relief! And yes, Miss Jiggle herself, Mai Shiranui, shows up as well. 

I'll post pages for this project bi-weekly on a Friday or Monday, as each chapter is close to 40 pages long and I didn't want to split them up. Enjoy this glimpse into the rarely-seen Fatal Fury mangaverse, and look forward to Hinako Day tomorrow!

(Oh, and just so everyone knows, I'm well aware that isn't actually Wolfgang Krauser in these opening pages--that is a plot point revealed in chapter 2!)

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Magna Raven #1 - Pages 14-18

Here are the new scanlated pages of Magna Raven #1. This covers pages 14 to 18, and leads into the nerdy guy's backstory. Enjoy the new pages, and remember that Saturday is Hinako Day, and that a new project is premiering on Friday!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hinako!!! - Pages 11-14

Here are the long-overdue pages of Hinako, specifically 11-14 of the first chapter. You can expect more Magna Raven on Wednesday, plus a special preview of a new project on Friday! Stay safe, healthy, & enjoy the new pages!