The bad news?
Miguel mentioned something about doing an entirely different cover once he completes the first issue and gets a better feel for the characters, so if that happens, this cover will either become a back cover to Issue #1 or a print if we ever do a Kickstarter campaign! See, it wasn't all that bad...

...but now it's time for sketches. Here's a sketch of Page 2 by Miguel Barriga (biggmiggz.deviantart.com) that introduces Miaka Sakamoto, the deadly Japanese assassin (as if an assassin would be anything but deadly), as she tries to break into the First Bay Side Bank via the rooftop.
I should tell you guys that Bay Side Blues was originally written as a screenplay and then translated into comic book form. The first issue contains the first ten pages of the screenplay, or you can think of it as the first ten minutes of the movie.
And here's a sketch of Page 3 by Miguel. His little blurb in Panel 4 about how Miaka should look was mostly directed at me, since I hadn't specified whether she was Japanese, American, or of some other nationality. You gotta love that look on her face, though.
So far "Bay Side Blues" is progressing fairly well. I really feel blessed to have Steve on colors and Miguel doing the covers & interior art. Both of them are extremely talented, and all three of us hope that you like this book as much as we like working on it!
Don't forget--September 25th, 2013 is the day Bay Side Blues #1 is released to the world! And don't forget to spread the word any way you can!
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